Policies & Procedures
Wenatchee Valley College policies and procedures provide the college community with
a written record of current board policies and college operational procedures. Although
the policies and procedures are established primarily to guide and assist employees
in performing their assigned functions, many policies and procedures have wide applicability
- they affect both academic and administrative areas, all employees, or the activities
在大学里 as they relate to students, alumni, the community and the general public.
Policies and procedures are generally applicable to more than one department or division
在大学里. Matters that pertain only to the internal policies, procedures, practices
or guidelines of a given department or division are not considered within the scope
of board policy or college operational procedure and are therefore omitted.
All policies and procedures WILL SOON be available below as downloadable Word documents by clicking on the policy or procedure number. Clicking on the title of the policy or procedure will take you to the related webpage.
跳转到部分: General - Administration - Instruction - Student Services - Human Resources -
管理服务 - Technology
Policy |
Procedure |
Title |
200.100 | 授权 | |
200.110 | 1200.110 | 签名权限 |
200.120 | 组织管理 | |
200.125 | 公共关系 & 出版物 | |
200.127 | 照片发布/证明 | |
200.130 | Speakers | |
200.140 | 破坏性的活动 | |
200.145 | Interference With Operations | |
200.150 | 商业征集 | |
200.155 | 1200.155 | Art & Memorial |
200.160 | 应急程序 | |
200.170 | 募集资金 | |
200.180 | 物料分发 | |
200.190 | 商业活动 | |
200.200 | 书院的关闭 | |
1200.220 | 格兰特发展 & Approval |
Policy |
Procedure |
Title |
300.100 | 学术自由 | |
300.200 | General Academic Regulations | |
300.210 | 不完整的年级 | |
300.300 | WVC教学计划 | |
300.320 | 1300.320 | 生物物质 & Materials |
300.330 | 1300.330 | Use of Human Subjects in Instructional Activities |
300.350 | 开发、批准 & 实现 of Curriculum | |
300.380 | General Education/Related Instruction | |
300.390 | Granting of Credit for Special Learning Activities | |
300.400 | 教育评估 | |
300.500 | 继续教育 | |
300.540 | Special Admissions Age (not approved yet) | |
300.550 | Senior Citizen Reduced Tuition | |
300.600 | 教师评价 | |
300.700 | Use of Part-Time/Adjunct Instructors | |
300.800 | 远程学习 | |
300.900 | 奖学金、研究 & 艺术创作 | |
300.910 | 大学图书馆的使用 | |
300.920 | 课堂访问 |
Student Services
Human Resources
Policy |
Procedure |
Title |
700.100 | Electronic Information Resources | |
700.110 | 电子通讯 | |
700.115 | 电子邮件保留 | |
700.120 | 1700.120 | Email Distribution List Use |
700.125 | Acceptable & Ethical Use | |
700.170 | 1700.170 | Information Technology 可访问性 |
700.200 | Privacy | |
1700.205 | Computer Access for Non-Students | |
700.210 | 万维网隐私 | |
700.400 | Security | |
700.900 | Discipline & Remedies | |
710.000 | 管理技术 | |
710.100 | 帐目转让 | |
710.210 | Written Agreement to Comply | |
710.250 | WVC万维网 | |
710.300 | Hardware & 软件标准 | |
710.310 | 硬件采购 & Software | |
710.500 | 1710.500 | Mobile Communication Devices |